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Promotion of the National Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction and Management Scheme

The project for Promotion of the National Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction and Management Scheme (the Project), while meeting the criteria required by the project guideline, is an ongoing work based on current development of domestic greenhouse gases (GHG) accounting, registration, validation, verification and project reductions for industries as the results of earlier studies from 2004 to 2010. The Project has completed the following tasks: 1. The promotion of voluntary GHG accounting and reporting The Project has assisted the Environmental Protection Administration (the EPA) in optimizing domestic GHG reporting process via National GHG Emissions Registry (the GHG Registry). The Project has promoted industries in voluntary participations of GHG emission reporting, which has involved the setting-up of telephone inquiry services as well as on-site consultation. Based on latest figure in 31st December 2011 there have been total 425 entities (mainly manufacturers and utilities) reported its emissions information, contributing total 91.37% CO2 emissions from fuel combustion in energy and industrial sectors. Cross-reference checks were conducted between the activity data reported to the GHG registry and the raw material/fuel consumption from stationary source database. The reported GHG emissions with significant discrepancies will be noted to the EPA for further clarification. This has led to improved quality in information management. Further more, the Project has completed training materials for the use of GHG accounting. 2. Capacity building of GHG accounting and reporting in local governments The Project has assisted in the capacity building of GHG accounting and reporting in local governments, thus facilitating international interactions for Low-Carbon Cities. The Project has also completed Greenhouse Gas Accounting Guide for Cities and the associated spreadsheet templates, enabling a harmonized accounting and calculation processes for local governments. The Project has also gathered latest development update of World Mayors Summit on a regular basis, offering recommendations and suggestions for local governments to participate in international activities such as the Summit. 4. On-going development of emission-intensity based crediting design The Project examined international approach regarding to emission intensity as well as the implication options of best available technology (BAT). The Project has devised an overall 10 industry-specific emission intensities based on domestic emission data submitted from industrial sectors such as petrochemical, refinery (Alkene), pulp and paper, as well as boundary determination and emission intensity calculations for CHP and synthetic fibers respectively. 5. On-going development of project-based crediting rules The Project continued to assist the EPA in the development of associated credit determinations and relevant technical rules, 17 proposed projects and 6 new methodologies review processes as well as evaluation and recommendations of the review processes. 6. Drafting mandatory GHG reporting rules The Project has formalized similar GHG reporting rules (draft rules) following United State’s and International mandatory approaches. The enforcement of draft rules was based on linkages of existing Air Pollution Control Act as the obligated reporting operators to be designated via the third public and private entities list on annual reporting of stationary emission sources (draft). 7. Maintaining operations and functionalities of the GHG Registry The Project has conducted various tasks involving modifying GHG reporting format for iron & steel, petrochemical, photonics and semi-conductor industries; introducing managerial functionalities for project review processes and statistical provisions for further analysis; renewing the GHG Registry’s website layout and improving user friendliness. The Project had also updated the GHG Registry’s webpage content (English included) and maintained information security on a regular basis. 8. Conferences and public meetings The Project has completed 1 press conference, 2 meetings on GHG accounting for cities, 2 public workshops regarding to the GHG reduction scheme, 7 expert consultations regarding the design of GHG reduction scheme. In addition, the Project has assisted the EPA in 1 public consultation process and 3 electronic newsletters were issued.
Greenhouse gases, registration, voluntary reduction